Friday, July 26, 2013

Sephora + Pantone Color IQ

The other day I went into Sephora, sadly a weekly occurrence, and one of the employees Tracy asked me if I wanted to do a color match. She was so sweet and her makeup was perfection.  I love finding new and exciting products so I said yes immediately. Then she says "may I take off your face makeup?" Which if she wanted an honest opinion... A.) do you know how much time I spend on my makeup. B.) I used my Dior foundation today *this makeup is staying put until I make it come off* However she totally coerced me into saying yes, this lady was a gem!  
Any-who, Tracy sat me down at the vanity and scrubbed off my many layers and then proceeded to hold a tiny camera remote looking thing up to my skin in 3 places and took pictures. Then my Pantone number popped up on the iPad 1Y05, it began to load and then this popped up:

A personalized list of foundations that match my 1y05 number!! Not just this one might match, it's an exact skin color. It evaluates the base color of your skin; yellow, pink or normal. I fell in the normal range but I had always felt I had a pink undertone, man was I wrong. She made some recommendations and based off what I said she applied the LancĂ´me foundation. My face seamlessly blended into my neck and looked almost air brushed. I was impressed. I was sad Laura Mercier had no match for me, but I had plenty of other options. 

 (More options for my skin tone)
The best part of this service was that she can email my complete list of dead-on matches. I suggest everyone run to Sephora and get matched it was so fun! Tracy's skin was the prettiest caramel color and she told me the Pantone camera even found her match. Run baby, run. 

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